Our mission - to make disciples of Jesus Christ

Our mission of sharing the gospel and making disciples of the nations is first grounded in a relationship of love for God. This love, in turn, results in a love for people. This is a universal truth that applies to any culture:

As you meet with others "along the way", share these three commands that are true for all cultures.

Not sure if you are ready?

As a disciple of Jesus Christ, you already have experiences with God that you can share with someone else. 1 John 5:10 says that you have the testimony or witness of God in you. You already have what it takes -- a relationship with Jesus. Not only that, but the Bible says the Holy Spirit also gives us power to be His witnesses (Acts 1:8).

Share how you initially encountered Jesus

You can simply share how Jesus Christ has made a difference in your life. It is hard to argue against the things that you have personally experienced. Plus, when you talk about your own personal life, people know you are being real and are not just putting on some type of act. You are believable.

You can share how you first came to realize you needed Christ. What were you like before? How did you know that Christ was important? What changed after you accepted Him?

Consider the woman at the well, as written in John 4:4-42. She had a powerful encounter with Jesus and then shared about that encounter with anyone who would listen. As a result, "...many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman's testimony, 'He told me everything I ever did.'" (v.39)

Share how you encounter Jesus now

You can also share about your experiences with God as a believer, that being a Christian isn't just about making a decision for Christ, but how it's an ongoing relationship that is rich in God's blessing. Don't be afraid to mention any challenges you face working at living a righteous life serving Him! Real-life isn't always a "bed of roses".

Consider the two disciples on the road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). They knew Jesus, yet encountered Him in a new, profound way. Immediately, they told others about their experiences.

Share about key elements of the gospel story

Be sure to be clear about, and include, key elements of the gospel story. Without that, you are just sharing a nice story. It's the Truth of God that will transform lives. Some of the key elements are:

Relate with others in another culture

See Cross-cultural preparation